










後來妳好像有點頭緒,但捉不到也摸不著, 他開始說妳學不會新把戲了,也不讓他哄,還想要跟他坐同一張椅子了,妳只不過是隻被圈養的寵物。










About EMOTION, girl doesn't need any help, it will be the biggest help if boy could just listen and stay with girl.

I'd like to tell a story that all of us might experience.


You know what? In fact, he unconsciously looked down on you or thought that you are silly and he felt like that you cannot deny all his request, he kept you as his pet.

He has a standard on his mind, a standard that he cannot get it but he really wish that you can achieve the standard.

Thus he got you, and he kept you, waiting for your allegiance.

Gradually you found that  he doesn't really love you or precisely, cherish you, like what you expected.

He was not communicating effectively. You thought he coaxed you, fooled you around, but you could not make sure so you still yielded to him since he got you in his arms, and his embrace was so warm which meant everything to you.

He waited patiently as you move forward to his model, at the same time he thought this was for your sake.

You started to learn new thing, you were happy and expecting your future, although he got a lot of models.

Then you found that you started losing yourself, you didn't know how and when you lose yourself, you confused, confused by why you love and don't love to learn the new thing.

Then you felt moody and depressed.


He wanted to take you to doctor, he thought he keep you well, how come you depressed?

However he still coaxed you, communicated ineffectively.

He started to lose his patience because he didn't know how to help you to be happy, like you used to be.

You had no idea either, you desired his embrace but he couldn't understand your loneliness and confusion, and those other emotion that even you, would never find out.

Then he said it was you who want to learn the new trick.

Then you felt like you got something, those emotions, still not reachable though, but you really got something.

He thought that you didn't learn new things, you didn't let him fool, and you even want to sit next to him, you were just a captive pet.

At this moment you realized that you totally lose yourself, and you dazed, he confused.

He confused why you were out of control, so he had to find a new one.


And you, my dear, you were left here, and you have to stay here, to find yourself.

This is the only old thing you can keep, which is unique and the best you've done, 'yourself'.

Finally you know that you are not suitable for this kind of hug.

You still expect being fed, after all, in a sense it means that you have a warm embrace which only belongs to you, but not this one.


Did you get the picture, my dearest?

This is the way you get closer and closer to what you want.

This is how you were left again and again, and you will capable to depict LOVE.


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