illustration, illustration, it’s the finest Occupation.

The greatest illustration, is not just mere decoration

but succinct accumulation

of creative demonstration

and ratifying observation

of the intended subjectation

with alarming innovation

and shining punctuation

of all relevant information

done with stoic consideration

for its intended situation exceeding all expectation

with regard to the examination of images domination

to that of textual affectation

the commands generation upon generation

to convey without hesitation

their continued exultation

at its supreme imagination

within the realms of communication

Thus it delights me beyond all anticipation

to relay my admiration

and relentless adoration

at your unbridled determination

towards your education

and after serious meditation

in the height of contemplation

it becomes my acclamation

to give you confirmation

after just deliberation

and close interrogation

of your starling illumination

variation adaptation

and exemplification

accomplished in the field of illustration

and so after such examination

it is my proud pronunciation

of your swift galvanization

to a first rate qualification

you may receive with due humiliation

despite its floccinaucinihilipilification

                   ( worthless accreditation)

so it becomes my recommendation

without prevarication

for celebration

and recreation

to be your obligation

yours truly professor Toby Flosotation




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