I can't be your friend and act like I'm ok when I'm not just for the sake of still having you in my life.

I have to stop thinking about how it was with you because its gone, and it will never be the same. I feel like a fool for holding onto you.

Thank you for being one of the greatest things that came into my life.

Thank you for teaching me so much about myself.

Thank you for loving me unconditionally.

I hope you accomplish every goal you set for yourself, I hope you figure out everything you were unsure about, and I hope above all that you are happy.

I wish I could be there to see it all happen, that I was the one that helped you.

But for now this is goodbye.


Le Love


That is exactly what I want to say. And how I feel - as a big fool cannot get over you.

I have to stop all these pains, not for you this time, but for me.

I cannot contact you until I feel fine to talk to you and my heart is not bleeding, and I can fall asleep after you say something to me, and no crush when I see your face - I mean when I am not in love with you anymore.

And then we can be just friend. Actually, there is no way for us to get back being good friends, you don't understand, do you?


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